Chlorine maintenance

chlorine maintenance training
  • Description

    According to the updated Australian Standard AS 2927:2019 for the storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas; training and instruction shall be provided to all workers directly involved in the storage or handling of chlorine containers, or the operation or maintenance of chlorine installations.

    TRILITY’s chlorine maintenance training course is a bespoke programme tailored to suit the operating philosophies, capacity and manufacture of equipment used on site. It is designed for personnel involved with maintaining chlorine equipment and includes recognising when maintenance is required and understanding the relevant content of AS 2927.

  • Details

    Course content updated to include recommendations from AS 2927:2019


    • Performing routine performance checks
    • Chlorination system overview and components
    • Best practices of chlorination system design
    • Servicing key system components
    • System shutdown and start-up procedures
    • Perform basic preventative maintenance on:
    Chlorinators V-notch gas control units
    Chlorine analysers Vacuum regulators
    Evaporators Automatic shut-off devices
    Rotameters Chlorine gas leak detectors
    Injectors Chlorine absorption system
    Controllers Pressure relief systems
    Chlorine gas scrubbers Vacuum switch


    The above list of components covered in the training programme is tailored to suit the capacity and manufacture of the equipment on site