Progress on the Rotorua Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades

2 May, 2024

Things are progressing well with the Rotorua Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade for Rotorua Lakes Council. TRILITY’s dedicated team has been making significant progress with the earthworks, managing six bioreactor shutdowns while preparing for three more over the coming weeks. These shutdowns are crucial for installing upgraded aeration pipework, significantly enhancing air flows into the bioreactor for improved nitrogen removal.

We are also pleased to announce a significant milestone: the main construction area and its surroundings have been meticulously signed off as asbestos-free, ensuring the safety of our operations. We were able to showcase a selections of photos that show the excavation of inlet works, the MBR tank construction, inlet work excavation and rebuild ready for civil construction to start (photos courtesy of our construction partner Fulton Hogan), and a sunset over the construction area early in the morning, and our crane fully installed (photo courtesy TRILITY employee).

Visit our post to view the photos.
