TRILITY is an expert in
water treatment operations

TRILITY delivers safe and efficient water and wastewater services across many industries.

We are front line operators delivering safe and efficient water and wastewater services, with a vision to be the most respected water operators in Australia and New Zealand. We work in collaboration with our clients to manage, operate, and maintain water and wastewater infrastructure for urban and regional communities.

TRILITY has been a market leader in operating water infrastructure since 1991. Our expertise flows from our team of qualified operators and process engineers whose diverse range of knowledge, skills, and experience makes our people experts in their field. Our capabilities enable us to deliver a broad range of services and safe drinking water 24 hours a day.

Our numbers so far

days per year

water, wastewater
and reuse schemes

pump stations

kms of pipeline

Megalitres treated
per day

Today our combined services consist of:


  • Asset management
  • Innovation
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Water quality
  • Water treatment


  • Audits
  • Modular solutions
  • Network services
  • Project delivery
  • Servicing


  • Audits
  • Compliance
  • Data analytics & management
  • Environmental management
  • Water consultancy
  • Water quality plans


  • Nationally recognised training
  • NTA certificate courses
  • Non-NTA training courses


  • Chemical dosing
  • Components and instrumentation
  • Electrochlorination
  • Filtration
  • Gas chlorination
  • UV disinfection