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Service kit – vacuum regulator 200ppd includes seat and stem
Service kit to suit vacuum regulator 200ppd for V10K - includes 10kg seat and stem

Product specifications
Product title: Service kit – vacuum regulator 200ppd includes seat and stem
Brand: Evoqua
Service kit vacuum regulator 200
Contents: 1 x P51401 O ring 232, 1 x AKG5549 O ring 113, 1 x ALI5542 O ring 226, 1 x AAB3143 Diaphragm, pressure relief, 2 x P47152 O ring 119, 2 x APQ5558 O ring 011, 1 x P16191 Lead gasket, 1 x AAA7109 Filter, 2 x P19865 Spacer, 1 x AAA7106 Screen, 1 x L2440 Service tag, 1 x U27546 Halocarbon grease, 1 x AMKL5553 O ring 246, 1 x AAA1616 Diaphragm, backup (black), 1 x APQ5464 Diaphragm, operating (clear), 1 x 10kg seat and stem