Rotorua Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade

19 Dec, 2022

Work has started on a $60 million upgrade of the Rotorua Wastewater Treatment Plant that will cater for future community growth and more effective management of wai tātari (recovered water) for the district.

TRILITY won the undertaking through open tendering and was awarded the contract in October 2022 with site works starting in January 2023. Site preparation has already begun.

Following the plant upgrade, TRILITY will engage a consolidated contract approach to operate, maintain and renew the wastewater’s networks over the next 10 years.

Matt Dawson, TRILITY General Manager Solutions says they’re honoured to build on the mahi tahi (partnership) with Rotorua Lakes Council and entrusted with the upgrade of the Rotorua Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Aerial view of Rotorua Waste Water Treatment Plant 1024x680 1
